Troop 460 Strong Values, Strong Leaders



    To reach our troop, contact our Committee Chairman,
    Sandra McGinnis at: or 530.622.6103.

    For issues with our website, contact Karen Rich at

    If you are an Eagle Scout Candidate, check this list when inviting dignitaries to your Court of Honor




Uniform Requirements

The boys asked for a clarification and modernization of the Uniform requirements for Troop 460. Following is a listing of the results of collaboration between the Scouts and the Scoutmasters:

Please note that the names for uniforms are Official Uniform and Activity Uniform respectively. See this link regarding BSA policy for the uniform.

      Official Uniform
Khaki Shirt, Neckerchief and Slide, Scout Belt, Scout hat or Scout related hat Scout pants (olive or khaki cargo pants, or Wrangler style jeans), same style shorts, Scout Handbook, notebook, and pen or pencil. Field uniform at first of month meeting, uniform inspection, Board of Review or Court of Honor and public event such as a parade or handling flags.
      Activity Uniform
Activity Shirt, optional Scout Belt, Scout hat, Scout related hat, or no hat, Pants or shorts (which must be clean, neat, and in good repair), no swimwear unless swimming is part of the activity. Scout Handbook, notebook, and pen or pencil. This uniform is for fundraising, meetings where Field uniform is not required, camping if appropriate
      Special Activity Uniform
For activities where Boy Scouts does not make a uniform item, such as winter camping, snow skiing, rock climbing, etc., clothing may be worn which is adequate for the conditions. The clothing must be neat, clean, and in good repair.
      Prohibited Clothing
Clothing that is offensive in nature has profane language or symbols, or which is not neat, clean, and in good repair. No camouflage clothing will be allowed.
      Wearing the Uniform
Official uniforms will be worn at all formal Scout functions and at the first meeting of each month. They will also be worn at meetings where there is a special function or visitor, for Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review, and where required by District, Council, and other Scout Organizations. Activity uniforms may be worn at all other meetings, campouts, fundraisers, public service work, and excursions. If a question arises about the appropriate uniform, it will be discussed by the Patrol Leaders Council and the Scoutmasters, where a mutual decision will be made. A uniform inspection will be conducted at the first meeting of each month. If one (1) Scout over half of the active membership of the Troop is out of uniform at the inspection, the entire Troop will wear Field uniforms for the entire month. (ie: 20 active Scouts / 2 = 10. If 11 Scouts are out of uniform, Official Uniforms are it for the month.) If there is no meeting on the first Monday of the month, official uniforms will be worn on the next scheduled meeting.