Troop 460 Strong Values, Strong Leaders



    To reach our troop, contact our Committee Chairman,
    Sandra McGinnis at: or 530.622.6103.

    For issues with our website, contact Karen Rich at

    If you are an Eagle Scout Candidate, check this list when inviting dignitaries to your Court of Honor




The Meetings of Scouting

The Troop meeting: The scouts meet as a team every Monday night at 7 PM at the Pleasant Valley Community Hall. It is very important that the Scouts make these meetings. We act as not only a Family but a Team. Like most families and sport teams all the players are important to the success of the group. This is a time of Learning, Advancement, Team Building, and Fun. Don't miss it.

The Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting: This meeting is held at 6:30 PM on the first Monday of the month before our regular meeting at the Pleasant Valley Grange. This meeting is for the Senior Patrol Leader, his Assistant, and the Patrol Leaders and their Assistants. This meeting is where Scout Leadership meets to set the course of the Troop in long range and short range Planning.

The Scoutmaster Staff meeting: Contact the Scoutmaster for dates and locations. This meeting is for the Scoutmaster and his Assistants. This is where we plan out program and discuss issues that involve the day to day operations of the Troop.

The Troop Committee meeting: This is the meeting for all Parents and Committee members to come together to discuss Troop policy, long range goals, and all the support functions that go into making the Troop work. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend. This meeting is held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7 PM at the Pleasant Valley Community Hall. Be sure to check the troop calendar due to holidays or school issues.

The District Roundtable: This meeting is for the Scoutmaster and his Assistants to get updates and Program ideas and issues from the volunteer leadership of American River District of the Golden Empire Council, BSA. This meeting is held the second Thursday of every month at 7 PM at the Foothills Church 2380 Merrychase Dr, Cameron Park, CA 95682. It is also available through Zoom. More details to follow.

The Troop Court of Honor: This is a meeting where our Scouts receive their merit badges, awards and rank advancements. This is done at least three times a year. Please check the Troop Calendar for dates. This meeting is for all Parents, Relatives, Scouts, and Friends.

The Campout "Putting the outing in Scouting": Please check the Troop Calendar.