Troop 460 Strong Values, Strong Leaders



    To reach our troop, contact our Committee Chairman,
    Sandra McGinnis at: or 530.622.6103.

    For issues with our website, contact Karen Rich at

    If you are an Eagle Scout Candidate, check this list when inviting dignitaries to your Court of Honor




Welcome New Members!

Are you a new member to Scouting? New to the area? This page will have any forms needed to register or transfer to our troop.Welcome new members! Our website has a lot of information to make your Scouting experience fun and successful. However, it could be hard to find, so we hope to give you some shortcuts by putting the information here. So, check out our site and welcome to where the fun is!

If you are interested in our troop, feel free to contact our Scoutmaster Scott Rion at or our Committee Chairman Sandra McGinnis