Troop 460 Strong Values, Strong Leaders



    To reach our troop, contact our Committee Chairman,
    Sandra McGinnis at: or 530.622.6103.

    For issues with our website, contact Karen Rich at

    If you are an Eagle Scout Candidate, check this list when inviting dignitaries to your Court of Honor




Scouting at Home



Here are several tools and resources to help leaders and parents with making scouting happen even if it’s for one-scout-at-time!

More Ideas?

We’ll keep adding to the list and you can use this hashtag #GECBSAScoutingAtHome on Facebook any time to find a list of all the ideas we’re accumulating.  Our intention is to help you keep your Scouting experiences going alone or online until we can get back to all the great ‘regular’ Scouting activities that our Golden Empire Council Packs, Troops, Crews, Ships and Posts routinely offer to our Scouts.



If you have suggestions, ideas, questions, problems or concerns about our efforts to keep Scouting working in challenging times please don’t hesitate to let us know.

You can begin right now by sharing them online at or in an EMail message to SocialMedia@GEC-BSA.Org.  You are also more than welcome to contact the GEC-BSA offices at (916) 929-1417 and ask to speak with your local District Executive.