Troop 460 Strong Values, Strong Leaders



    To reach our troop, contact our Committee Chairman,
    Sandra McGinnis at: or 530.622.6103.

    For issues with our website, contact Karen Rich at

    If you are an Eagle Scout Candidate, check this list when inviting dignitaries to your Court of Honor




BSA Materials Now on Kindle


Now you can carry an entire library of Boy Scouts of America materials in your pocket. The BSA has begun adding select merit badge pamphlets, leader materials and more to its Amazon Kindle library.

Just like when you buy the latest mystery novel as an Amazon download, you don't need an actual Kindle-branded device to read the BSA's Kindle books. You simply buy a digital copy of the book once and can read it on pretty much any smartphone, table or computer. Just download the Amazon Kindle app, download your book and you're set.

The BSA's National Supply Group is adding titles constantly. Already you'll find pamphlets for most of the Eagle-required merit badges. They've also included leader materials like the always-handy 2014 Boy Scout Requirements book. The Fieldbook: Scouting's Manual of Basic and Advance Skills for Outdoor Adventure is there, too.

The books cost the same as their ink-and-paper counterparts and look great on the color screen of your favorite smartphone or tablet.

Find the BSA's Amazon Kindle library by visiting

-- Bryan Wendell

This article is from Scouting Magazine November-December 2014 page 5